Welcome to the WMS Photo Gallery. WMS Photography serves as the official photojournalists for Metro News & The Sentinel.
© 1966 - 2018 WMS Photography - All rights reserved
Meet Bill Stephens

- Owner, WMS Photography
- Bill Stephens is a native of the Chicagoland area with many years of experience in a number of fields:
- 26 years working/volunteering in various aspects of the Fire Service
- Retired in 2000 as Deputy director of Mchenry County Emergency Services
- Certifications in communications, incident operations, hazardous materials, weather operations and disaster planning.
- Managed and worked numerous disaster scenes including plane crashes, train accidents, tornado events, large structure fires and rescue operations.
- Worked for the City of McHenry, IL as the Emergency Manager for 5 years.
- Photographer for the last 52 years using film, digital and video formats
- Initially trained in photo media by the chief photographer of a former major Chicago Newspaper.
- METRO NEWS NETWORK - Chief Photojournalist & Vice-President of News Operations
- Amateur Radio Operator and Holder of a FCC General Radio Telephone License.
- Member International Fire Photographers Association (IFPA).
- Member International Organization of Fire Photographers (IOFP)
- Member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers and worked as a remote production engineer.
- N.A.R.T.E. Certified Engineer 1st class with telecommunications endorsements.