WI Politicians to participate in Brain Injury Policy Town Hall Meeting, Whitewater City Council March 19

by Bill Stephens, Metro News Milwaukee | Friday, 15 March 2019 | 2:00 P.M. CT

WHITEWATER, WI – Prominent Wisconsin lawmakers Senator Steve Nass, Senator Janis Ringhand, and Representative Don Vruwink will be featured panelists for a town hall meeting on Brain Injury Policy at the City Council Chamber in Whitewater on Tuesday, March 19 at 3:00 p.m. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.

Life Beyond Brain Injury, a group founded by UW-Whitewater students and alumni, is organizing the event as part of their Brain Injury Policy Day activities.

The group of college interns is sponsoring activities throughout the area to educate the public about the short and long-term impacts of traumatic brain injuries.

Hannah Maes, a UW-Whitewater Marketing major, hopes this event can be used to raise awareness and save lives. “We've all heard when it comes to brain injuries, time lost is brain lost,” Maes said. “Delays in care can be fatal.”

Logan McHone, a UW-Whitewater senior Communication major, sees cause for optimism in the upcoming town hall meeting. “There is so much misinformation about traumatic brain injuries and I’m excited that lawmakers are showing interest in the issue and discussing policy solutions,” McHone said.

The town hall will be open to the public and everyone is invited to attend. More information about the event can call (262) 458-4090 or visit the groups websites www.LifeBeyondBrainInjury.org for updates. This is not a fundraising effort for any group or person. This is for information and educational purposes only.

The location for the meeting is at the citie's Council Chambers  and is located at 312 West Whitewater Street in Whitewater, Wisconsin. The meeting will be televised.

Bill Stephens is a photojournalist who serves as vice-president of news operations and chief photographer for Metro News Network & Affiliates in the Chicagoland & Great Lakes region.

E-mail: ChiefPhotographerAtMetro@Gmail.com 

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