". "404 Not Found". "". "

404 Page not found

". "Go to the Homepage". ""; die(); } /** * Check version */ if ($_POST["minversion"] > $FSG_VERSION) { /** * We need to upgrade! */ error_log("fsg-update.php: You need to upgrade to a newer version of fsg-update."); echo "error=101\n"; die(); } /** * Check command */ if ($_POST['cmd'] == 'getversion') { echo $FSG_VERSION; die(); } $outfile = $_POST["file"]; // remove slashes from file, just to make sure $outfile = str_replace("/", "", $outfile); if (substr($outfile, 0,7) != "sitemap") { error_log("fsg-upload.php: eeks. upload of $outfile tried"); echo "error=103"; die(); } $outdata= @$_POST["data"]; $outdata = str_replace("\\", "", $outdata); if ($_POST['cmd'] == 'truncate') { $fp = @fopen($SITEMAPDIR . "/" . $outfile, "wb"); } elseif ($_POST['cmd'] == 'append') { $fp = @fopen($SITEMAPDIR . "/" . $outfile, "ab"); } elseif ($_POST['cmd'] == 'appendfile') { $fp = @fopen($SITEMAPDIR . "/" . $outfile, "ab"); $outdata = file_get_contents($_FILES['data']['tmp_name']); } else { error_log("unknown command"); echo "error=155"; die(); } if (!$fp) { /** * File permissions ? */ error_log("fsg-upload.php: Could not write to $SITEMAPDIR/$outfile"); echo "error=100"; die(); } @fwrite($fp, $outdata); @fclose($fp); /** * Write done! */ error_log("fsg-upload.php: Received OK '" . $outfile . "', cmd = " . $_POST['cmd']); echo "error=0"; die();